A warm welcome to all the students joining us in SHANKARACHARYA SWAMI SWAROOPANAND COLLEGE OF NURSING is known for quality programs, and a student-centered approach to learning. Supporting our mission that the student exposure comes first.

SSSCN is committed to providing students with quality learning experiences and support in finding fulfillment in education, employment and lifelong learning. Our program are continually shaped and delivered by exceptional teachers with real-world experience. The program you have chosen has been designed to help you develop the necessary skills and knowledge to support your success in your chosen career path. Our dedicated and professional staff and professors are committed to help you achieve your educational goals and career aspirations.

SSSCN strives to be accountable to students and employers through the preparation of work-ready graduates who will continue to live our "Success Matters" focus in their professional work environment. We look forward to supporting you learning journey. I wish you so much success with yourstudies.

Jaya Mishra


Shri Gangajali Education Society, Bhila

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